award winning architects


Studio Partington and Knox Bhavan Evening

Last Thursday Studio Partington joined Knox Bhavan Architects LLP at their Peckham Studio for drinks and a discussion around sustainability in practice.

Joanna Foxley and Richard Partington presented some of Studio Partington’s work around Whole Life Carbon Retrofits through the Golden Lane Estate and Nottingham City Homes projects.

Ben Hair talked through some of Knox Bhavan Architects LLP’s findings and experience in the development of KBe, a carbon tool to measure, communicate and reduce carbon in the built environment.

The evening ended with a presentation from Ben Wagstaffe who talked through his dissertation research which focussed on how a network of small sites have the ability to create ecological infrastructures, connecting habitats and increasing biodiversity.

It was a brilliant knowledge sharing evening with some fantastic conversations that highlighted the importance of architects, architectural representation and data visualisation in fields beyond architecture. Thank you to Ben Hair and Knox Bhavan Architects LLP for organising the event and hosting us. We look forward to many more of these collaborative opportunities!

Fabienne Blunden